"Beautiful, Smart, Individual and Perfect..."
I received this email in response to my announcement earlier today. It made me think about some things...
Billy, you and your bride couldn't have anything BUT beautiful, smart, individual and perfect kids. And as a complete failure in the progeny-production department myself, I can only congratulate you on making these wonderful biennial additions to the gene pool. But in consideration of how you are going to send four through four years of college someday, I recommend a smart broker, immediate spring training toward Merit Scholarships for each of them, and a vasectomy for you. Still, you are going to have a heckuva lot of family fun in these 18 and one-half years.
This was my reply...
My oldest daughter is probably our only hope for a Merit Scholarship. She's brilliant. The baby girl is smart, but she's our third so she'll more than likely do drugs. I included my son in the "smart" category out of pity alone. He thinks everything is blue. He thinks the number seven comes after the number four. And he thinks it is necessary to tell people - all people (at Wal-Mart, Applebee's, the swimming pool, Sunday School and beyond) - that he's got a big "penith."
We're pretty worried about him to be honest. He seems to be very good at throwing a baseball and catching a football, so I guess there's hope... but your prayers will be appreciated, nonetheless.
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